שאילתת Cargo
מוצגות עד 12 תוצאות בין המספרים 11 ו־22:
צפייה ב: (100 הקודמים | 100 הבאים) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
צפייה ב: (100 הקודמים | 100 הבאים) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
{{#cargo_query: tables=Football_Games, Games_Referees, Games_Results, Opponents, Competitions |fields=CONCAT('[[', Football_Games._pageName, '|', Football_Games.Date, ': ', Games_Results.ResultString, ' (', Football_Games.ResultMaccabi, ':', Football_Games.ResultOpponent, ')', ' נגד ', Opponents.OriginalName, ']]' ) |where=1=1 AND DATE_FORMAT("1967-00-00", "%Y") = DATE_FORMAT(Football_Games.Date, "%Y") AND Football_Games.ResultMaccabi-Football_Games.ResultOpponent > 0 |join on=Football_Games._pageID = Games_Referees._pageID, Football_Games.Opponent = Opponents.CanonicalName, Football_Games.ResultOpt = Games_Results.ResultType, Football_Games.Competition = Competitions.OriginalName |order by=(`MPMW_cargo__Football_Games`.`ResultMaccabi`-`MPMW_cargo__Football_Games`.`ResultOpponent`) Desc |format=ol |offset=10 |limit=100 }}